Doctor Who: Series 1 Episode 7 Commentary for my Whovian sister.

Commentary on episode seven for my sister: Lisa I'm counting on you knowing this episode or watching it while reading. This is just a summary of my thought processes during this show. Keep in mind I am not a Whovian, although I have watched it all the way to episode seven now and played a drinking game with my sister that I'm pretty sure would have caused liver failure for the average person. And watching episode seven was arguably one of the funner 45 minutes of my life. This has spoilers for anyone else reading this far. Stop reading. Evil Simon Pegg Warns of Spoilers Previous 11 minutes: SIMON PEGG IS IN THIS! EEEEE 12 minutes: So is Rose's boyfriend evil, then? “Let me split up from you guys. That's normal, right?” 13 minutes: Dear everyone, if your job's promotion means you are never seen again that is a bad thing. Time to change companies... 14 min: SEE? 15 min: What in the....a skeleton circle! 16: She...