So, Night Vale fans...

I'm nearly ashamed to admit this but I wrote fan fiction. Well, sort of. It's a fan poem for Night Vale and I don't really even like poetry. So when considered in the context of part of what I think Welcome to Night Vale is about, I decided poetry was clearly the way to go. It pretty much fits with my sci fi theme that's been going on in this neglected corner known as my journal. Anyway, this little clip of the Night Vale twitter is also the title. Woot for poetic license. When I woke up the radio was on. Such a small fact. With such long strides reality had folded to keep up with the speed. My dog sniffed my hand. Such a sweet feeling. And yet I knew there would be no glorious afternoons at the dog park. Outside I hear a crackle A not quite small sound. And I hope it's a deer, who despite being terrible, deceitful, and vile also know math, telepathy, ti...